Tutorials and Tip Sheets

For Faculty & Staff

EAB, the company that owns the product, Navigate, provides ongoing release updates to its features and functionality.  Therefore, rather than developing University of Miami specific tip sheets, we are providing links to the existing Help Center articles that are detailed, and answer many questions users may have. Please recognize that the exact wording in the EAB provided tip sheets along with institutional specific expectations for usage will be different.  However, for the purpose of learning how to do something, these tip sheets are great resources for users wanting to learn more about how to use Navigate.

University of Miami specific tip sheets will be indicated on the link and the document itself.  

If you have questions or find a barrier, please contact the Learning Platforms Team, as they are the University of Miami Information Technology help desk team to support EAB's Navigate at the University.

Student Meetings

Open All Tabs
  • Getting Started

    Staff Home is the default landing page for staff in Navigate. It is the first page non-administrators see when they log in to Navigate Staff. You can return to Staff Home at any time by clicking the [Home] icon in the toolbar.

    If you're new to Navigate, these EAB Help Center Articles are a great place to start. 

    Note: You'll be directed to a sign in page, select University of Miami, then it will redirect to UM's Single Sign-On before you access the article.

  • Calendar Sync

    The Calendar tab in Navigate displays scheduled appointments, events, courses, and busy times.
    The Calendar page is located on the left navigation bar, accessible by clicking the calendar icon. The Calendar tab provides staff and faculty with a view of all their scheduled appointments, as well as the ability to sync across multiple calendars. Access to the Calendar tab is available to all users of the platform. The level of detail and actions available within the tab are permission-based.

    These EAB Help Center Articles are a great place to start. 

    Note: You'll be directed to a sign in page, select University of Miami, then it will redirect to UM's Single Sign-On before you access the article.

    Calendar Sync

  • Setting Up Appointment and Drop-In Availability

    These EAB Help Center Articles are a great place to start. 

    Note: You'll be directed to a sign in page, select University of Miami, then it will redirect to UM's Single Sign-On before you access the article.

    View the Student Perspective in Scheduling

    Setting Up Your Availability

  • Taking Notes on Student Meetings

    There are two methods for taking notes on student meetings and interactions in Navigate.  Users can either submit an Appointment Summary or Add a Note.

    Appointment Summaries let you document information about specific student appointments. Appointment Summaries are primarily created and stored in three main sections of the platform: Staff Home, a Student Profile page, and the Standard Report page. 

    Notes offer an additional mechanism to jot down information about a student, collaborate across Care Units, and create a record of information provided directly to the student. Unlike Appointment Summary reports, notes are not tied to specific appointments, nor are they formatted specifically for specific Care Units.

    It is best practice to submit an Appointment Summary every time an advisor meets with a student either for drop in or scheduled meetings, whereas a note may be more relevant for recording email, phone, or other interactions that don't involve a meeting.

    Note: You'll be directed to a sign in page, select University of Miami, then it will redirect to UM's Single Sign-On before you access the article.

    Help Center Article: Appointment Summary

    Help Center Article: Notes

  • Issue a Referral or Alert

    Alerts in Navigate are categorized by three distinct purposes:  Insights, Progress Report, and Referrals.  All alert reasons are prefixed with Insights, PR, or Referral.

    • Insights - These are flags self-reported by the student from a series of Insights surveys offered to first semester students at UM.  The alerts open a case, which is triaged by peer mentors and escalated to supervisors as needed.  These would be visible on the student profile under the history tab and are searchable in advanced search and reporting features.  Users cannot issue these alerts, and are only issued by the Insights team.  To learn more about the Insights initiative, visit our dedicated webpage. (coming soon)


    • Progress Reports - These are alert reasons that faculty issue through the semesterly progress report campaign or ad-hoc progress reports.  These alert reasons are not visible under "issue an alert."  Faculty wanting to alert an advisor to these concerns, should follow the steps to do so for ad-hoc progress reports if there isn't a progress report campaign active.  Learn more on our dedicated webpage.


    • Referrals - Advisors and other student success community staff can "issue an alert" from a student profile or even from an actions menu in a table of students to specific students.  In all referrals, the student receives an email with information crafted by the campus resource that the student is being referred to, helping improve communication accuracy for resources offered.  Some referral reasons open a case for the campus resource to connect with the student and close the referral loop. Those who issue an alert (referral) and a case is opened, will receive an email when the case is closed, usually within 7 business days.

    Note: You'll be directed to a sign in page, select University of Miami, then it will redirect to UM's Single Sign-On before you access the article.

    Issue a Referral or Alert Help Center Article

    Coming Soon: UM-specific Alert Reasons Table

  • Appointment Queue Management

    The Staff Home Appointment Queues tab shows tables of students checked in for appointments and lets you take action to manage these appointments. Staff Home is the home page for users with the standard Staff user type. Users can also open Staff Home by clicking the Home icon. Click Appointment Queues to open the tab. 

    Note: You'll be directed to a sign in page, select University of Miami, then it will redirect to UM's Single Sign-On before you access the article.

    EAB Help Center Article: Appointment Queues

Case Management and Progress Reports

Advanced Search, Reports, Analytics

Open All Tabs
  • Advanced Search

    Run an advanced search to get a quick list of student names and students IDs based on criteria you select. Staff and faculty advisors can utilize this list for creating watch lists, communicating to students, scheduling appointments, and use in combination with several other Navigate features.

    Note: You'll be directed to a sign in page, select University of Miami, then it will redirect to UM's Single Sign-On before you access the article.

    Help Center Article: Advanced Search

  • Report: Appointment Summaries

  • Analytics: Population Health

    Assess the health of selected student populations and identify intervention opportunities using key academic performance metrics like GPA and credit completion.

    • Population Health Dashboard
    • Intervention Effectiveness

    Not all users have access to the analytics and reporting functions. These permissions are determined based on Navigate role.

  • Analytics: Historical Trend Analysis

    Identify opportunities and evaluate success using historical analysis at the institution and program level.

    • Historical Population Analytics
    • Historical Course Analytics
    • Historical Major Change Analytics

    Not all users have access to the analytics and reporting functions. These permissions are determined based on Navigate role.

  • Analytics: Activity Analytics

    Track student and staff activity for better accountability and resource planning using visualizations of how and when staff time is being spent.

    • Activity Dashboard
    • Activity Reports

    Not all users have access to the analytics and reporting functions. These permissions are determined based on Navigate role.