Progress Reports

Information for Advisors

Academic advisors are asked to create an appointment campaign for the service "Progress Report Check-In" for students to schedule an appointment with them.

Benefits of using an Appointment Campaign include:

  • Ease to add/remove students to an appointment campaign after already created
  • Advisors can identify students who did/did not meet with them rather quickly
  • Appointment campaigns can be filtered in the Analytics features in Navigate to understand intervention effectiveness
  • In an appointment campaign, the advisor can override the default appointment length and select a length of time appropriate for them considering the practicality of their case load

Current Campaign Important Details (Spring 2024)

  • Spring 2024 Campaign Dates
    • Opens: Monday, 2/26/24
    • Closes: Monday, 3/18/24 at 11:59 PM
    • Registration begins: Monday, 4/1/24
    • Last day to withdraw from a course:  Friday, 4/12


  • Students will be tagged with Progress Report_Spring24 and Progress Reports_2+_Spring24 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while the campaign is open.
  • Students with one alert will receive a standard email with the following:
    • Instructions on how to log into Navigate to view their progress report details
    • Encouraging students to use campus resources
    • A reminder of the last day to withdraw from a course
    • A reminder to connect with their advisor if they have questions about resources or if they're considering withdrawing from a course to discuss potential impacts
  • Students with 2 or more alerts should be added to an Appointment Campaign by their assigned academic advisor.  See the section below on Creating Your Progress Report Follow Up Campaign.

Creating Your Progress Report Follow Up Appointment Campaign

Open All Tabs
  • Step 1: Set up your availability.

    Make sure you have availability for teh service "Progress Report Check In" and that it's only listed for "Campaigns" under "What type of availability is this?".

    All locations in Navigate that are for academic advising offices should have the service available.  If it is missing, please contact to add it into your location.

  • Step 2: Setting up the Appointment Campaign

    1. Title the campaign: "ProgressReport_Spring24_YourLastName"
    2. Care Unit: Academic Advising
    3. Location: Your location you typically use
    4. Service: Progress Report Check In
    5. Set the date range you desire
      • Note: The last day to withdraw from a course for Spring 2024 is Friday, 4/12
    6. Appointment Length: You can set this length as you see fit based on your caseload. 
    7. Click continue

  • Step 3: Selecting your student population

    Your student population for the appointment campaign is your assigned students with the tag Progress Reports_2+_Spring24.

    1. Expand the folder for Student Information, and type and select Progress Reports_2+_Spring24 in the tag section.
    2. Scroll to the search button, and check the box for My Students Only
    3. Click Search. 
    4. Check the box in the table to select all the students. 
    5. Click Continue.
    6. Review the list of students and remove any that were added incorrectly. 
    7. Click continue
    8. Select yourself as the staff, then click continue.
      • Note: If you did not set up appropriate availability first, you won't show up.

  • Step 4: Compose Messages

    Compose a welcome message that will be sent via email explaining why you're requesting a meeting using the appreciative mindset. You are encouraged to set up 1-2 nudge reminders as well either via text or email.

    Click continue.

  • Step 5: Send the campaign

    The last page is to review your campaign details and make changes you may need. Then click send.

  • Step 6: Adding new students to an existing appointment campaign

    To add students to your existing campaign because they received their 2nd alert message after you initially created the campaign, you go into your existing appointment campaign.

    1. In the top right, click "Edit Campaign Details".
    2. In the workflow at the top, click "Verify Recipients", then scroll to the bottom and select "Add More Recipients" which is located next to the Back button.
    3. Follow the same process from Step 3 (listed below) for identifying the student population.  It's okay if the same students you already added appear there. They won't be added to the campaign a second time, the system will only add net new students to the campaign.
    4. Follow the workflow steps to the end, and send the campaign.  It will only send the welcome message to newly added students. The nudges already scheduled, if in the future, will automatically include the newly added students.


    Information from Step 3:

    Your student population for the appointment campaign is your assigned students with the tag Progress Reports_2+_Spring24.

    1. Expand the folder for Student Information, and type and select Progress Reports_2+_Spring24 in the tag section.
    2. Scroll to the search button, and check the box for My Students Only
    3. Click Search. 
    4. Check the box in the table to select all the students. 
    5. Click Continue.
    6. Review the list of students and remove any that were added incorrectly. 
    7. Click continue
    8. Select yourself as the staff, then click continue.
      • Note: If you did not set up appropriate availability first, you won't show up.

Progress Reports Workflow

Part 1

Student Marked "At-Risk"

  • Students are marked "at-risk" of failing a course by their instructor in a progress report, whether from the scheduled campaign advertised on the academic calendar, or an ad-hoc progress report initiated by the instructor.

Part 2

Student & Advisor Notified

  • Students and their advisor receive an email from the instructor notifying them that they've received a progress report indicating concerns about their performance in class thus far.
  • Students with one alert also receive an email from the Dean of Undergraduate Affairs  encouraging them to use campus resources for support.

Part 3

Meet with Advisor

  • Assigned academic advisors send a meeting request through an appointment campaign to students who have more than one at-risk alert to discuss any concerns that may be impacting their ability to succeed, campus resources, and options if considering withdrawing from the course.